Here’s a list of the best resources I’ve found for new (and old!) product managers and/or the product-curious. Blogs & newsletters Not Boring by Packy McCormick Stratechery by Ben Thompson Benedict Evans’s blog Lenny’s Newsletter by Lenny Rachitsky Li’s Newsletter by Li Jin. Also check out her blog by Dru Riley Unchained newsletter by […]
Product vs. Marketing in a startup. Product is like the train tracks, marketing is like the train. Don’t sell tickets until you can get people to a destination. Don’t stop building the tracks there, but you’ll need to go to at least one desirable destination before you can sell tickets.
First Be, Then Do, Then Have
Doing things that don’t involve being the person you want to be is a recipe for ending up in a place you never wanted to be in.

Living in France was never really in the plan. But here we are.